Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Closing it out.

Dinner at hood river.

Some fans took pictures with Doni next to their tree shaped like a coffee mug in Baker city
Thank you Ogawas for your generous donation to Doni's cause. What a great lunch!

Doni Loves Hiking
The IDAHO River


I love corn Doni loves corn... we played in these fields for a long time!

SALT FLATS- getting personal


Luckily Tim and Kim came to the rescue.. they stopped and helped push the car while Sarita lightly pressed the gas... we got out!!! 3 and a half hrs later!

Thats right AAA came and told me it was too far away from the road. Then he left and told me 'if I wanted a tow it would be 1000.00'. WTF. I cant believe that he didnt even bring me some wood to put under the tires.. that's all i needed.

Well looks like we are going to really experience the salt flats...

Made it to the salt flats... what an incredible part of the country and Doni loves Salt!!!

UTAH Salt Lake CIty

look at all that smog.
these people are angry at how much nasty smog there is in salt lake city. LAME
This is the place ... thats right it is a monument in UTAH marking THE PLACE... sooooo cool

On our way to visit this group of elementary schoolers they were the most passionate about Doni's cause yet.
Just having lunch

DONI LOVES UTAH!!!!!! he got way to excited at the capital though!


Another Friend. Doni love Brena she showed us around UTAH and took us to Sushi
Doni finally gets shot gun. we set out on the road just MAN and GOAT.

Found Little America.


We only spent an quick night in Denver and in the am took off after a farewell breakfast with Abby and Dorie. This doesn't mean that Doni didn't have time to make a meaningful connection with this guy. He was called the goat kisser and that is what he did. I let doni eat all his flowers outside of the wine jester while we were eating a late night Thai dinner. He came and found us and when i thought he was going to yell at us about Doni he just wanted to KISS HIM!!!!
This guy was a great addition to Doni's Friends made along the way. We will keep in touch.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Kansas to denver

Come here pig! i mean GOAT
Team Doni Group Shot

Beautiful Skys

Grants was awesome... sooooo intense