It’s Marilyn,
I am discovering we have our own version of everything that is taking place!
It is like a family that remembers their childhood totally different from their siblings.
This trip is my new make shift family and I want my version to be told.
Doni the goat is the main character of this trip. He truly is amazing and is a magnet to children and anyone with a story.
I have always loved “the story.” When I buy things from estate sales “the story” is my favorite part. I love to ask questions and I am interested and want to know all the details.
I want to share my experience with you.
Most of my friends said don’t go on that crazy trip! However, my two daughters, one friend Raelyn and Justin my long time friend encouraged me…So I went for it.
I have owned my own business for 31 years and I am a risk taker. Of course I decided to go for the unknown…to travel cross-country with Doni the goat.
Life is about giving back!
I am a hard worker and run a successful bakery. I am passionate about life. Uncontrollably passionate about all my interests
I received a master’s degree in Special Education before I started the bakery.
One of my favorite people, Dr. Steve Brannon, was my professor and advisor 40 years ago. He frequents my bakery and encouraged me to start a scholarship fund at PSU Graduate Special Education department called the Marilyn DeVault scholarship fund. The graduate students earn degrees to help children with disabilities . I have a huge interest as to why the population of autistic children is growing. And I would like to see more research and education be dedicated to the subject.
I have been involved with Justin’s cause Pear (Programs ,education, art and recreation for homeless youth) As a previous donor, my contributions have supported and helped Pear for years. (even before I knew what the acronym stood for!
I love to support causes that I deeply believe in.
Doni as a mascot and a service animal wants to help. You can see it in his eyes! Doni loves interaction.
Doni has no barriers. He sees everything with open hooves!
When I first met Doni I could tell he had a unique way of interacting with people.
Doni loves to connect to children of all ages and disabilities.
The second day on our journey we stopped at a gas station. There were six kids from a group home with their group leader. This particular group home supports Down syndrome and dementia clients.
Seeing Doni with the clients touched my heart to see him in action. The best interaction is one that brings people together. Doni was doing his magic. Doni the kid helping kids! I really enjoyed talking to the kids. It was part of my past life, I could feel it kick in.
I went on this trip to help get the word out! We are raising awareness one state at a time.
My mission is to raise money for special education and disadvantaged youth.
My degree in special education helps me with my bakery because I make special dietary needs cakes. Many autistic children are on gluten-free diets. I can make their birthday cakes. Yum!
The challenges we face traveling with Doni was unknown before we began this trek across America.
The Buzz 105.1 was our first stop as we kicked off the tour of America .
Daria is fun and I wanted her to know more about our causes and that we are reaching out to help kids. She had so many great questions and really promotes my bakery. I even made a special sugar free carrot cake for Doni and the 105.1 crew to taste. Actually, I made hundreds of them for the trip for Doni and his new friends.
It was truly fun. Thank you.
Our first stop was Hood River.
I realized immediately we did not look legitimate. We didn’t have flyers or handouts.
I went into a coffee shop with Doni and gave a little speech about our trip without any written materials..Doni found paper. He started eating a customers important notes and it didn’t seem funny at the time but I could see Doni was breaking barriers and everyone laughed and gave us their contact information. We were wished luck on our mission
I told our group we have to go out and get our heart felt message out.
I was really impressed with Justin’s focus and connections to reach the goals. He called and arranged the printed flyers and stickers, table items for New York.
Catlin is from New York and she is also a big part of this trip. She has a photography business in NewYork and a long time friend of Justins. Thank you Catlin for the wonderful pictures. I know I interfere because I am so passionate about this trip.
I will say, “take a picture of that…..take a picture with the cupcake….”
I love to give cupcakes from Oregon after a great interaction with Doni. I personally think cupcakes and Doni go together.
Catlin and Justin have great ideas about our pictures across America. I can’t help interject-Sometimes I think they think I am interfering.
Justin, like his goat, is also a magnet for people. I met Justin 9 years ago at the bakery when he was buying ice cream.
One Sunday, I was at the bakery and met a very interesting man named Pat. One reason I love the bakery is the opportunity to meet and speak with the fabulous customers that come in.
He told me his son was gluten free and I was talking to him about all kind of topics.
Before I knew it he is trading goat dirt for cake.
I immediately called Justin because I knew this was a great connection.
I thought to myself that I just met someone who could really help Pear. They talked to each other from the bakery phone. Yahoo!
A connection was born. Justin met Pat who owns Kismic Farm in Estacada. The beginning of a long friendship.
Thank you Pat!
Pat thinks that my bakery is a Mecca for people. Lucky me!
Justin and Pat connected and the two goats were donated to the auction!
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