Monday, September 27, 2010

Mitchell, South Dakota

Doni did so well in Mitchell! He didn't make a peep all night, although we made him sleep in the bathroom. We didn't check into the hotel until 1:30 in the am. Can't say we saw a lot in this town but Doni made some friends in the morning.

A quick stop to get gas at a late night stop and Doni could have become hamburger. I have never been to the Midwest before and I have to admit seeing the poor cows all locked in that horrible container broke my heart. The driver told me he was about to load Doni up because he couldn't believe a goat was wondering around the parking lot. He was joking about actually taking him but I would have been more than devastated to see his little face locked behind the truck to fat camp. I really feel for those helpless animals. Doni is safe and sound with us and his fate to help children is his purpose.

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