Just as we crossed the border from Idaho to Montana, Justin informed the car that we had 4 miles until empty. Doni met a couple of long distance biker guys and we told them all about the cause. The drive down the hill was nerve racking as we waited for the car to start hic-cupping along the road. As the gas gauge went from 1 mile to 0 we luckily came across a construction company who gave us a gallon of gas for $5. It would have been unfortunate to spend the morning looking for gas, but we counted our lucky stars and drove onward to Missoula.
Justin's friend Kerry arranged for a casual meet and greet at the Great Harvest Bakery. Doni was thrilled his fan Sam brought him a crate of hay and Tom an action photographer snapped away at Doni. Meanwhile, Doni raised some coin for his charities.
We finally got some flyer's made- which really helped promote our journey. Not having the literature behind our voice made us seem like wackos, I presume.
We wish we could have stayed, the energy in town was amazing. Homecoming night! The yellow and red face paint stood out against the mountains. Doni wanted to cheer on the game and meet some lady goats at the dance.
Our final impression of Missoula really touched our hearts. Claudia at the Rocky Mountain Espresso cart told us her story and would have given us a place to stay if we needed. When we rolled down the window and Doni stuck his little head out the window she just started to laugh and we saw how the line between stranger to friend immediately disappeared. We were really touched that a conversation of this depth could happen in a drive through line at an espresso cart. Not to mention, we helped spread the love with the cupcakes from Piece of Cake bakery from Portland, Oregon.
Love Doni with the Homecoming kids!