Sunday, September 26, 2010

Livingston, Montana We love you alot

We avoided disaster. Not to be overly dramatic but seriously we backed into a small cliff and the front tire was actually lifted 1 foot off the ground. We panicked when we realized there was no way we could move from our precarious position. I pushed Doni out of the back door and crawled out the window to shift our weight from the back. Within minutes we had a few cars stop to come to our rescue. No cell service and fear the car would roll over we had to solve the problem. Luckily, two men in a large ford 450 fearless, strong and brave tethered themselves to our little flex crying for help and pulled us to the stable highway. Thank you residents of Montana.
Marilyn's cupcakes allowed us to properly thank our Saints. Good thing they are gluten free and delicious :)

Driving cross country is great and all but passing by towns that you have always wanted to visit and only being able to stop for gas can be disappointing. At a gas station in Bozeman Montana we took a few minutes to meet some people. Everyone loves Doni and he immediately steals the heart of anyone he meets. Teenagers jumped out of the car for a photo opp meanwhile Doni greeted a group of disabled men and women who all were very interested in the goat hanging outside the quick stop. A small traffic jam in the parking lot and luckily two cars avoided a little fender bender. Proudly one of the disabled men was the first to notice the cars negotiate the negative space in the parking lot and helped them avoid the crash.

Thirty minutes more on the road and we arrived in Livingston Montana. Justin's friend Jo S. met us for lunch and introduced us to the town. Doni met a high school hockey team before we went to hike in Paradise Valley. Pine creek trail was awesome! We turned around at the waterfall but it was so nice to get out on the trail. It was bear season but didn't see one sign of the grizzles. Doni did give a fellow dog a little head butt but it was all on good spirits. I don't think the dog expected it all and scampered down the trail.

Marilyn stayed in town and thrift store shopped and handed out flyer's.

The saddest part of the day was leaving Doni at Robert's home outside of Livingston. I've heard sending your first born off to school is dramatic and my instinct was similar. I have fallen in love with Doni. I was really worried for his overnight stay. Robert , who has a great family, home, and loves photography and has three cashmere goats who are covered in long curly white locks all named with "J" names. They are like a mini gang when the meet Doni. His little skinny body looked so small standing up to the three hairy characters from a cartoon. The three J's are bigger than Doni and one even has a weird tongue flicker thing going on. Doni stood his ground and we left him for the night. Doni hasn't been around other goats so the experience was beneficial and we wouldn't have a repeat situation from the motel. Later we found out that he cried for an hour, ate some hay, and passed out.

Dinner at Bistro was great and I was excited to try a restaurant that Anthony Bourdain reviewed. I tried to convince the crew of a quick drive to to the farm to spy on Doni to just check on him but my plee was rejected and I was distracted by the chance to go out on a Saturday night and try to meet a cowboy. No such luck. Didn't have my dancing boots on but still it was a fun night.

Thank you Jo for the accommodations, I really appreciated the comforts of your home. Your welcome in NYC anytime.

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